





发表于 2017-5-3 11:17:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lucky enough to witness a new city booming. Five years ago, my first time to Daya Bay, there was no Walmart in Island Resort. Mangroves were still a desolation. Never heard that Wanda Plaza was built. Marina Park's seafood was not that popular.

Anyway,sick enough of the crowd in Xiaomeisha Resort. We tried to seek for a new seaside for leisure. We drove around the East Coast until we found a place called Xiaogui Bay. I know I loved this place the first sight. Also, that girl I loved ever settled down here.

Five years past, I have ever been back to Singapore, started a new life in Shenzhen, ever planned to Wuhan... I went to America, travelled around Thailand. But I failed. I can't jump out of this unforgettable memory. Thus, I decided to settle down. Spent all my deposit to buy a house here. I found a job, being a translator and teaching kid's English at my leisure.
五年过去,我回去过新加坡,在深圳尝试新的生活,计划去武汉...后来我再去了美国,呆了泰国。终究,还是忘不了这个海滨的城市。我回来了,花光所有,买了房子。又开始了翻译的工作,为了生活,还在空闲时教人们学英语(Wechat ID: 18025318246)。

I will raise a bulldog, wandering around the seaside. But I never saw you again!

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