韩晓婷 发表于 2014-1-14 11:14:46


雅思写作的基本问题上海环球雅思老师程莹在环球雅思带写作,写作教久了发现,学生都在关注高端大气上档次的句子和单词,却忽略了写作文句子中最基本的语法和句法,这些都直接导致分数,尤其是在Grammatical Range andAccuracy 那项打分不是很高。对于考官而言,考生得先把句子写对了,考官才不需要去猜测你的意思,才会比较顺畅的读下去,也就是这样才有可能拿到6分以上。程莹老师将学员经常犯的错误归纳如下:

1,sentence fragments(句子碎片)
如:The young people like to watchgun-fighting movies, they imitate them , they have a crime.
改写: Influenced by gun-fightingmovies, young people are likely to watch imitate them , thus leading to a crimesometimes.
例如: The camel is an ugly animal,it has huge hump on its back.
The camel is an ugly animal which has ahuge hump on the back.
The camel is an ugly animal; it has ahuge hump on its back.
Due to the huge hump on the back, thecamel looks ugly.

2, There be 句型
很多同学用there be 句型表示客观存在的有,但是却总是用错了,变成 therehave
There have many reasons for that case.
改写: There are many reasons forthat case.

3, 连词重复使用比如:also, as well, too, in addition, moreover.他们都表示同一个意思,在句子中使用其中一个就可以表达并列的意思.
Lacking of care from the parents, manyteenagers choose to live out of home, moreover they are obsessed with theonline games too.
改写: Lacking of care from theparents, many teenagers choose to live out of home, moreover, they are obsessedwith the online games.

同样还容易重复使用的连词是: Therefore, as aresult, because, since, so and due to.他们也表达同一个含义,句子中使用任意一个都可以表达原因和结果的关系.
比如:Because the car contributed onethird of total greenhouse gas emissions, so I support the idea that we shouldlimit the use of cars.
The car contributed one third of totalgreenhouse gas emissions, so I support the idea that we should limit the use ofcars. http://ielts.shanghai.gedu.org/


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